Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Chapter fourteen

I woke the following morning with a throbbing forehead and aching body. I scratched my head and swung my legs around the side of the bed in order to get up. I knew I was off from 6th form, but I still had work.
Work's so long. Just the very thought of it made me sick. I wish I could quit but I've become too attached now. I grabbed my towel and headed to the bathroom, but was unable to open the door as it was locked. I scowled and banged the door twice.
"What?" Kieran's voice came.
"Come out of there you pri-..." I remembered the bet I had made with Kayden and suppressed my irritation and anger.
I heard him chuckle from inside. "Gimme five minutes."
I sighed to myself. I had to be kind didn't I? But I can't, especially to Kieran; he was my main target of direct abuse. I then came to a conclusion that I would at least try. "Okay, hurry up please," I replied softly. I went downstairs to the kitchen to make myself some cereal in order to pass some time. 
Once my Cheerio’s was made I travelled to the living room and saw Andre sat there eating toast and watching the football highlights. He saw me but his expression remained blank. God, he was so boring! He needed excitement in his life; he just did the same routine over and over again. I guess I could take being nice to him for a while. I gave a wide smile then sat down and began eating. Every time I took a spoonful of Cheerio’s I smiled at him even more. He noticed and gave me an odd look.
"What are you smiling at?" he asked.
I paused. "Can't I smile at you?"
His brow rose suspiciously. "Why would you want to?"
"You're my little brother and I'm happy to see you in the morning. Is it a crime to smile at you?"
His intrusive glare deepened. "Nah..." he answered hesitantly.
I grinned and continued to eat. "Shouldn't you be at school?"
"Something happened to the boiler so it's closed for today."
"Oh okay." He was still looking at me weirdly, I laughed in return. "Andre you lil ragamuffin!" I cooed.
"You're so cute, Jasmine's a lucky girl!" I approached him and squeezed his cheeks. He was left stunned. I headed back to the kitchen and washed out my bowl. I then went back upstairs to the bathroom door. Thinking the bastard was finished, I attempted to open the door but it was still locked. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, waiting patiently.
"Yeah?" his voice came again, cold and blunt.
I cleared my throat. "Kieran are you almost done? I need to get to work," I stated calmly.
"Can't you wait man?" he yelled from inside.
My eye twitched slightly and I breathed deeply yet again. "I'm running late, Kieran."
He kissed his teeth. "Fuck off! I'm almost done!"
I closed my eyes and mentally counted to 5. "Okay, sorry. Take your time." I shuffled away from the door then went into his room. Five minutes later I came back out with a satisfied grin on my face. I had now expressed myself without using any harsh words towards him, I felt quite proud of myself. I picked back up my towel which was left outside the bathroom door and it opened. Kieran stood there dripping wet with his towel wrapped round his waist. His wavy hair glistened with droplets of water descending his face. Urgh, he reminded me of a wet dog. Wait...he is one. I smiled at my thoughts.
"You can use it now," he said in his deep voice.
"Okay, thanks." He walked out and I stepped in. I closed the door and locked it then set myself a nice bath. I find them more relaxing than showers, yeah man! As the water set I removed my clothes and stepped in, shivering at the sudden hot water coming into contact with my cool skin and surrounding my body. I smiled and my body relaxed. I love hot baths. Woo!
I then remembered what I had done literally ten minutes ago and laughed to myself, turning to the door in anticipation.
Wait for it...any moment now...
"WHAT THE FUCK REBECCA!" I heard him shout from his room down the hall. I started laughing silently to myself. Rapid bangs to the bathroom door came seconds later.
"Yes?" I asked swirling my hands in the water. I was quite relaxing.
"I'm kinda in the bath, you're gonna have to wait a minute."
I paused. "What's your point?"
He banged again. The wooden door shattered slightly at the impact, making my smile grow. "OPEN THIS DOOR INIT!"
"Nah, I'm cool. I wanna wash my skin thanks." I laid back and sighed, finally feeling relaxed.
"Go on then. You're gonna have to repent soon though, you know it's a sin." He growled loudly and I laughed. "We have a second toilet downstairs if you wanna take a shit, calm down."
I shrugged as if he could see me. "I'm watching."
He shouted some insults and I listened as his footsteps gradually moved away from the door once he had given up. Next time he shouldn't make me wait. He had to pay the price. I had trashed his room and used a permanent marker to write on his wall:
Right then and there I realised it was much better to take it out on his room instead of him. I found it fun, as it wasn't the first time. I chuckled to myself, I wonder what products he'd have to use to scrub that off the wall—or maybe he'd need to redecorate. Soon I came out and brushed my teeth then left the bathroom. I went back to my room dreading his payback, but it was normal. I guess Kieran hasn't got me back yet...
I had finally got what I wanted! I was stacking with Stacey instead of waiting behind the counter like a prick. I've been at work for at least an hour and a half, and I haven't been rude to a single person. I was such a don it was unbelievable. I knew it would be easy, mainly because no-one’s actually done anything to piss me off yet. I decided to sit down for awhile since I couldn't feel my legs. Stacey noticed my struggle and laughed.
"You're such a lightweight aren't ya? Get up Becc's!"
"How do you do this every day?"
She shrugged. "I get used to it."
Another worker, Nathan, came out of nowhere and hugged her from behind. "You alright Stace?" he asked kissing her neck.
She shrugged him off. "I told you to stop that." She said cutting her eye.
He laughed. "I can't always resist temptation babes." He looked at me and nodded. "You alright Becc's?"
I nodded back and smiled politely. "Yup I'm good, you?"
"I'm bless man, why you sitting down?"
"Isn't it obvious? I'm tired."
He chuckled in sympathy. "You want me to take over?" I nodded eagerly and handed him the box I was about to stack. He accepted it and walked off. Stacey screwed him as he walked away.
"I thought you two were friends?" I questioned.
"We kinda are but sometimes he takes things too far, it's bloody annoying!" I laughed. It reminded me of Kayden and I when we first met.
"Don't worry; I'm sure that phase will pass," I said with a smile.
She nodded and reached up to the shelf, causing her sleeve to pull down slightly. I saw a long slash on her arm going all the way down to her elbow. I gasped and she looked at me. "What?"
"What happened to your arm?"
She hastily put her arm by her side and covered it with her sleeve again. "Nothing, just had a slight accident."
I gave a worried look. "Is there something you're not telling me, Stacey?"
"No." I continued to glare at her, causing her to become edgy. "I'm fine."
"You have a deep cut on your arm—that isn't fine. What happened to you?"
"I just accidentally cut myself when I was cooking that's all." I eyed her and she looked away.
"If you're hiding anything, you know I'll eventually find out init?" I stated getting up off the chair. As I got up I bumped into someone. I turned and saw it was Shanay with Hayden's arm around her. I stared at the two of them straight-faced. I wanted to cuss her so badly for still being with him but I couldn't, I'm not giving in. I wasn't about to be rude. Her expression mirrored mine, she grimaced.
"Sorry," I said.
She eyed me up and down. "Hm," she grunted.
I narrowed my eyes slightly. Did she just screw me?
"Come b, tell me what you want," Hayden said leading her away from me to a row of trainers. I tutted. I'm not even going to say anything. It's her life she's decided to fuck up, let her do it.
"Rebecca I need you back behind the counter please," Mr Herman demanded from behind me. I screamed in my head but turned around with a fake smile on my face.
"Okay, sir."
Fifteen minutes later I was back behind the counter, which I was certain would become my grave. I was bored out of my fucking skull already! I leaned my head on the counter and sighed. I wish I could say something to Shanay, well not say—but shout. I felt like injuring her, and she was still in here lurking around like she owned the place. I wish a robber would come in and shoot her. It would make my day. Kayden picked the wrong time to be making propositions. The dumb cunt. It didn't matter if I cursed in my head, right? Well, it wasn't mentioned, so that's exactly what I'll do to blow off steam. I wanted to prove to him and myself that I can be kind to people. This was for my benefit aswell, not just his.
Just then I heard something being slammed down onto the counter causing me to lift my head up instantly. My eyes met Shanay's burning glare as she got out her purse. I peered at her without saying a word. I then scanned the pair of DC's and put them in the box. The tension was high, but it would have been higher if I wasn't suffering inside right now. I wanted to say something! I slowly put the box into the Footlocker bag. I held my hand out for her to take the bag. She snatched it off of me and screwed.
"Have a nice day," I said through gritted teeth. My eye just wouldn't stop twitching. It always happened when I tried to repress my anger. It was a terrible trait.
"Yeah, I plan to have a nice day with my man. He's taking me out today actually. He's gonna treat me to something nice cos that's what dedicated boyfriends do." She forced a smile.
I remained silent. In my head I could picture me grabbing her by the hair and slamming her head into the counter repeatedly with her begging me to stop. I snapped back to reality and smiled. "Okay. Have fun," I replied dryly.
She scoffed. "Say it with as much sarcasm as you want, you're still pathetic." She then turned away and left, meeting Hayden outside. They both walked off and I smiled. At least I didn't injure her, I'm staying true to my word and I'm glad that I am.
Soon I saw Kayden stepping into Footlocker wearing a plain yellow top, a black Lacoste cardigan, black Armani jeans and black Vans. He was holding a plastic bag. I screwed him instantly but remembered that I had to be nice to everyone. Does that include him? I changed my face and smiled.
He walked up to the counter. "You alright, Ree?"
He leaned closer, his face not too far from mine. "Are you still being kind?" He whispered.
I nodded. "Yup."
His brow rose. "Are you lying?"
"Ask anyone, I haven't been rude to a single person."
He smirked. "If you say so. Ey, look what I got," he said dumping the bag onto the counter. There was some kind of material inside, but what? He retrieved the item, slowly drawing his hands out. That's when I saw a red one-piece lingerie in his hands.
"You bought lingerie?" I asked astonished. It wasn't normal for a boy to be buying shit like that, but okay. Whatever floats his boat. I won’t judge.
His smirk broadened and humour danced on his lips. "Yeah. Guess who it's for." I raised a brow and then it hit me.
"You didn't..." I whimpered quietly.
He leaned even closer, his warm breath brushing against my lips. "I did."
"Why the hell would you buy me lingerie?"
He then stepped back, still smiling as if this was funny. "For when you lose. You're gonna wear this." He held it up properly so I could see but I quickly brought his hand back down. Thank God I could touch him but he couldn't touch me. You think I want people to see a random piece of lingerie in a Footlocker shop, especially when it's mine?!
"That wasn't part of the deal," I scowled.
"I get to do whatever I want if you lose, remember? This is what I want you to wear when the time comes. You'd have no choice but to listen to me." He peered at the lingerie, then me, then licked his bottom lip. "Believe me, the touching won't end."
My frown deepened. "I'm not wearing that."
"You will be. You don't have a choice." He smirked that slanted smirk, causing the dimple to appear. I wanted to whack him in the head so badly.
"Okay," I submitted calmly.
He blinked in awe. "Is that it? Just okay?" I nodded and smiled. It's cool because I know he'd touch me before I got the chance to be rude to anyone. He laughed. "Good. I plan to touch you until your thighs shake, again." I froze and was captivated by his cheeky smile and mysterious eyes. His words alone made me tremble. I swallowed hard and found myself hypnotised.
"Kayden! Hurry up and get to work please," Mr Herman intervened as he walked past. God, why is he always around? Kayden placed the lingerie in the bag and winked at me before walking away with it. Watch, I'm gonna burn that thing soon.
I carried on working until my shift was over. It's been a long day and fuck, I was exhausted! I left Footlocker with Kayden following behind. He wouldn't stop smiling. I peered at him with a raised eyebrow. "What are you so happy about?"
"Cos I know very soon I'll be using these." He waved both of his hands about.
I rolled my eyes. "Okay, whatever."
He smiled. "Wanna come round mine?"
I turned to him. "For what?"
"To jam." I shrugged and we walked to his talking casually. There was a few times when I almost cursed him by calling him something I wasn't supposed to, but I never did which was good.
"Kamar said he wants to see you," he announced out of the blue. I then remembered his friend that had struck the defenceless girl with his car before running off.
I screwed immediately. "I don't wanna see him."
"He said it was important."
"I don't give a fuck."
He turned to me. " nice."
"I'm not being rude. If I don't wanna see him, I don't have to, do I?"
"Yeah but-..."
He watched me silently. "Watch what you say, Rebecca."
"Always am." I was finding it harder and harder to be nice, it was too frustrating!
As we crossed the road an old, frail white woman literally barged past me causing me to drop my phone right in the middle of the road. I huffed and looked back; she didn't even apologise! Kayden laughed and my eye twitched as I picked it back up but examined it to see there was now a crack right in the middle of my screen. My breathing increased; I was fuming inside. Old or not, she shouldn't have barged me like that, I would have cussed her down but I can't, can I? I kissed my teeth as Kayden continued to walk. Then I heard a loud horn blaring. I turned to my left to see a blue Range Rover approaching quickly. The driver continued to beep at me, signalling for me to move out of the road. The window rolled down and a black male's head popped out, not looking too happy either.
"Move out the way you dumb bitch!" he yelled angrily.
I stared at him. Calm down nice. I took a deep breath and complied. I crossed the remainder of the road where Kayden was stood waiting for me; he had a grin on his face. He knew it was killing me to not retaliate, and he loved it.
"Kayden..." I started.
"Is fucking up people allowed?" I asked through gritted teeth as I looked back at the Range Rover which was now speeding away.
He chuckled. "Nah, it's not allowed. You have to be nice, remember? Why would that be allowed?" I tutted and we soon got to his. As we passed through the front door, the smell of curry goat hit my nose. I sniffed and smiled before licking my lips. The smell was extravagant. Kayden laughed at my reaction.
"Kayden is that you?" his mum called out.
"Yeah, Rebecca's here," he announced.
His mum then emerged from the kitchen, looking younger than ever. She smiled politely at me and flung the dish towel over her shoulder carelessly. "Nice to see you again, Rebecca. Dinner will be ready soon, would you like any?"
"No thank you," I answered with a smile.
She glared at me curiously. "Rebecca, I used to be just like you. Have some manners and eat my food."
I laughed quietly. "Okay, if you insist."
"That's more like it." She looked at Kayden. "Had a good day at work?"
He sighed. "Yes mum."
"Have you been giving Rebecca any trouble?"
"No." What a lie!
"Good, cos if so you know you'd get a beating."
His eyes widened. "Mum man!"
I started laughing. Exposure at its finest!
"Don't mum man me, do I look like a man?" She screwed him. He kissed his teeth in return and she continued. "You may think I'm old Kayden, but I'm down with the kids of today, you get me?" He grimaced and I continued to laugh. He then headed upstairs without saying another word. I sighed happily and wiped my eye. That was an amazing sight. Mrs. Brooks gave a light chuckle before turning to me. "It's always nice to embarrass my children. His dad and I make a sport of it. I have five points so far." I burst out laughing again and she joined in. After calming down I smiled.
"You've just made my day, Mrs. Brooks."
She flapped her hand in dismay. "Call me Sha'riah. You make me feel so old!"
"Alright, Sha'riah."
She leaned closer. "Go and tend to Kayden, he's probably sulking up there." I nodded and she smiled before disappearing back into the kitchen. Once I got to his room I found him stood before his opened wardrobe.
"Hey, your mum is a don," I commented with a snigger.
He didn't regard me; instead he removed his work shirt and threw it onto the chair. My laughing ceased immediately as I stared at his naked back. His muscles flexed as he looked for another top to wear.
"She's excited; every time I bring someone over she wants to act bad. Can't wait to move out." He pulled out a yellow string vest before finally turning to face me. My eyes widened at the sight of his broad chest and visible abs. His pectoral muscles flexed as he dragged the vest over his head. My breathing slowed and I gulped. His eyes then met mine and he gave me a knowing glare. His face softened and he nodded towards his bed, suggesting I lay down. He didn't have to tell me twice. I walked over to his bed and rested on it, lying back and exhaling deeply. I was so exhausted!
"Tired Ree?" he asked.
I nodded and watched the ceiling. "Very."
"Aww babes."
I laughed and he lay on the bed beside me. My eyes snapped to his direction. "Don't touch me," I warned.
He smiled that famous smile and his dimple showed slightly. "I wasn't going to," h muttered quietly. I felt my phone vibrate and retrieved it from my pocket.
—Wanna see u tomorrow
I sighed. This means I have to, doesn't it? I have to be fucking nice! I screwed as I noticed the fresh crack on the screen of my phone.
"What's wrong?" he asked from beside me.
"That stupid old piece of shi-...that old woman barged me and made my phone fall, now look!" I showed him the crack and he chuckled.
"You pissed about that?"
"What do you think?" I screwed.
He shrugged and shifted even closer but left enough space to ensure we weren't touching. He rested both of his hands behind his head and peered at me. I knew he wanted to touch me, but couldn't. I grinned knowingly at him and he screwed in response. "Shut up Rebecca."
I laughed. "I didn't say anything!"
"I know what you're thinking. You're not free from these sexy hands yet."
I frowned. "Sexy? Your hands resemble a gorilla's."
A sudden glint appeared in his eyes. "That was rude."
"No it wasn't. I know when I'm rude, that was just an opinion."
He narrowed his eyes. "I'll let you off on that one."
"You know to." He stared at me for awhile and I raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"Nothin’, just thinking." He scooted closer but I edged away instantly.
"Kayden if you touch me I'll punch you, I swear."
"My hands aren't gonna touch you," he muttered in a low voice. He rested up on his elbow and moved nearer, bringing his face down closer to mine before continuing. "My lips are," he whispered. His breathed heavily with need and pecked my lips softly but it turned into a gentle kiss. Damn. I knew there was a catch!
"I have a better idea. I'll try being kind to people for a week, but there can't be any physical contact between us either."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean no touching."
"I can't touch you?"
"That's correct. Your hands can't touch me."
WHY DID I SAY HIS HANDS? That can't stop him from using his lips. Rebecca you dumbass! I knew there'd be loopholes in this bet! My arms somehow placed themselves around his neck and pulled him closer towards me. He slid his warm tongue into my mouth and caressed mine with his. It went on for what seemed like ages, I completely forgot what was going on until he pulled away slowly. I was left in a daze.
"You think you're smart," I panted, opening my eyes.
He smiled warmly in return before leaning close to my ear. "If this bet wasn't on I'd be ripping your clothes off right now," he growled.
I breathed heavily and felt the muscles in my groin throb. I turned away and sighed deeply. "Thank God the bets on then." I yawned.
I felt the smile hovering on his lips. "Get some sleep, Ree," he whispered.
"I don't want to."
"I don't want to try..." I yawned again and felt my eyelids flutter. They closed on their own accord and I began to drift off. I was powerless to open them again. That's just how exhausted I was from a hard day’s work, and I'm not just talking about Footlocker...

The minute Ree fell asleep I kissed her on the lips and smiled. From when she said my hands couldn't touch her I knew that I'd still get a chance to do other things. I watched her sleep peacefully for a couple minutes before getting up and leaving the room, heading into Zaine's instead. He wasn't around, probably out with dad visiting family. I got my phone from my pocket and called Christian, who answered shortly after.
I laughed, even the way he answered his calls was weird. "Cool Chris, what you on?"
"My bed." 
I tutted. "You know what I mean, stop being dumb man."
"Well if you mean what am I doing, I'm watching Supernanny." 
I raised a brow. "What?"
"Supernanny. It's sick man! This Jo Frost woman disciplines these lil bastards; they go on like they're hard." 
I ran my hands over my fresh cornrows and sighed. "Christian-..."
"You need to watch it Kayden. Hardest shit out, I'm telling you. Especially since you go round fucking different hoes, you're bound to have a child soon and this show is just for you!"
"I haven’t fucked in like a month, what you on about?"
"Still applies. Supernanny gives you tips on how to raise your child right. She's fucking peng man; I'd save myself for her-..."
"Chris shut up for a second. When you gonna meet Nicholas and them lot?"
"Tomorrow at Ken's. Gonna find that Dean yout first. We're going down Shepherds Bush init."
"I'll see you lot tomorrow then." 
He paused. "So that's all you wanted to know?"
"You didn't wanna just talk?"
"We did talk."
"But we never just talk anymore Kayden, it's not nice. You only use me for information." 
I grunted. "Stop getting emotional, Chris."
"You always call for something you want...what about what I want man?"
I rubbed my face. "Get help Chris. You're not right in the head man." I locked off and put my phone away. I swear that breh was gay. Always getting emotional and depressed; he comes like a girl on her period.
I breathed deeply and thought for a moment. Having to do this business can get annoying as well as tiring. It was always the same routine aswell; find the yout, rough them up, injure them a lil, then bring them back to Marik so he can end them. Harsh but that's all there is to it. It's their own fault for not paying him what they owe, they get what's coming. 
I headed back to my room to see Ree had shifted on my bed and was now facing the wall. She looked adorable. It's a shame she was the complete opposite once she was wide awake. I sat on the edge of the bed and watched her silently. She was so special to me. Plus she knows how I feel about her, but she doesn't know the other half of it. I wish I could tell her how I really felt, and let her know that it was something deep and strong, but it was never the right time. There's something else there...I know it's there and I've been feeling it recently. I sighed and edged closer.
"What are you doing to me?" I whispered quietly. She fidgeted around abit and scratched her face. I chuckled and used the sheets to cover her and watched her some more. So beautiful man, no girl has ever made me feel this way before. Don't mean to go into some deep sentimental shit but she was different to all the other girls I've been with. They can't even compare to my Ree. As far as I'm concerned she's mine, even though she has a man, but as she says, she isn’t technically with him. Have to admit, when she first told me she was with someone else I felt devastated, but that only made my determination stronger and made me want her even more. She thinks this is just a friendship ting but it's not, to me it's so much more. I want to prove it to her...that's if she'll let me.

I looked around with a screw face. I've never wished to be in another place so badly right now. Kayden wasn't even at work today so I was stuck with Stacey. She's my friend and everything but I thought Kayden would have been in, and when I tried calling he went straight to busy—which I found quite rude. I bet he had that damn business to do again, that secretive cunt. Yeah I just called him a cunt, and what? If it's said in my mind, then he shouldn't mind. That's my motto.
"Aren't you hungry Becc's?" Leon asked, peering up at me from his plate of food. We were both in Nando’s since he wanted to treat me. Despite the fact that I knew of him and Olivia, and that I dashed a chair at him, he still wanted to see me. I despised him since he was such an unfaithful prick. I continued to play around with my food using my fork and shrugged.
"I'm full."
"You've barely eaten."
"Cos I'm not hungry." He nodded slowly and took my plate then began to eat the remainders. Tramp.
"Can't be wasting food Becc's, this shit is too nice." He laughed and I watched him in disgust. I know I've always wanted Kieran to die painfully but fuck that, it's changed to Leon now. He should get dumped into a volcano and burned alive till he turns to ashes. I should have put rat poison in is food when he went off to piss, but I didn't think of that before. Plus, I'd have to purchase the poison first. 
He noticed my expression and was close to speaking but something behind me distracted him. His eyes widened as he peered past me. I turned to look aswell and spotted a big scary black man stood outside of Nando’s watching Leon intently. He mouthed something to him before walking away into the distance. I turned back to Leon who appeared frightened.
"Who was that?" I asked.
He ignored me and retrieved his phone to call someone. Once the person answered he sighed heavily. "Aye, Marik's after us man," he muttered.
"I just saw his bredrin."
"I’m not hyped, I'm just saying. You know he's gonna come down for us bruv, what are we meant to do?"
"He's powerful blud, you seen what he done to Swayze a couple weeks back?"
"You expect man to stop worrying when we got a psycho like him on our backs, Dean?" I blinked. Who the fuck is Dean?
"Wid my girl init." He glanced at me and I blinked once more.
"In Nandos."
He gave a light chuckle. "Man ain't cheap, fuck off."
"Yeah cool." He locked off and sighed then looked around anxiously.
"What was that all about?" I asked tapping my finger nails on the table in boredom.
"Don't worry." He called the waitress over, paid the bill then we left. We walked down the road in silence as he had his arm round my shoulder. I really didn't want him to touch me, he made me feel sick. We had already discussed our differences. I managed to convince him that I had calmed down about his cheating ways, when really; I was waiting to make my move.
"Where to now Becc's?" he asked with a smile. Kayden's smile was better. I'm starting to hate Leon. How can he smile at me like everything was cool?
"Wherever," I mumbled. I hate being nice, I really do.
"Mine it is then." He looked around again then back ahead.
He was acting really dodgy and I wanted to know what was up. We soon got to the bus stop and the bus came soon after. We went straight upstairs to the top deck by the back. There I spotted a light-skinned girl who was peering at her phone. We went and sat in front of her since it was the only seats left. I looked out the window as I thought of different ways to torture the prick beside me. Hanging him would be great, and then I could watch him suffer.
"You alright?" he asked me. I nodded without so much as a glance at him. His voice alone pissed me the fuck off. He needed to hurry up and catch a disease.
"Leon?" I heard from behind. Both Leon and I turned to see the same girl who was still sat behind us. She smiled at Leon, who mirrored her pleased smile.
"Chloe?" he asked.
Her smile widened. "Where've you been? I tried calling you bare times."
"Been busy init, you alright though?"
She nodded. "Yeah I'm good. When you gonna come round mine again?" I scoffed at this desperate bitch. She didn't look any older than I did, if not younger.
"Soon init, where you off to?"
"To see my friend Stacey." I paused. Nah, she can't be talking about the same Stacey, there's plenty Stacey's about. She noticed my expression and screwed slightly. "Who's she?" she asked rudely, giving me a dirty look. I was close to saying something but stopped myself and breathed deeply.
"My girl, Rebecca. Becc's say hi." I scrutinised this Chloe chick who had her top lip twisted. She stared at me judgementally.
The way I wanna box this girl and pull off her top lip!
"Hi," I said bluntly.
She kissed her teeth. "You better tell your girl to learn some manners, Leon." She stated, turning back to him. My right leg began to bounce up and down on its own. Calm down Becca, ignore her and don't say anything rude. You can be nice, prove to yourself you can be a good person. Only five days left...
Leon chuckled and looked at me. "Be nice Becc's."
I looked back out the window as they continued their conversation.
Only five days left Rebecca...just five more days and you can fuck up anyone you want...keep calm. I sighed and my eye twitched slightly.
I don't know how much longer I can put up with this shit.

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